Hundreds of ideas for making your own Halloween costume - everything from traditional characters to the truly wild and wacky...for children, adults, couples or groups.
For grown ups and children, easy to make to the more complex. Over 80 ideas!!
Links to a variety of how-to kid costume pages with categories including scary, characters from move & TV shows and funny.
Tons of pins to costume and make-up tips and tricks on's Pinterest page!
Homemade Halloween Costumes - easy and cheap!
Hauntingly easy kids' Halloween costumes, including scary costumes, funny costumes, and last-minute costume ideas for your little monsters to choose from.
Dressing up for Halloween is so much fun! Enjoy it even more knowing that you and your little goblins prepared their faces for the frightful night. Face paint is inexpensive when you make it yourself, and it's safer than a mask that can obscure vision. Try these ghoulish recipes yourself!
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