Please note: this review is for the 2010 season rather than the current season.

Lister F/X Presents Monster Mayhem Haunted Laser Tag

by gregory_carlson (Review Crew) after attending on Saturday, October 23, 2010 at about 3:30 p.m.

Fun Factor: High Fear Factor: Medium


Monster Mayhem, as presented by Lister F/X, is a little bit different than your average haunt.  The same theme runs throughout and everything fits within the environment they have created.  My nephew and I thought that this allowed us to get more 'into' the haunt and it felt more believable (as far as haunts go) and I'll say that's a plus.

I personally liked the way they used actors to support the story, as they helped you through the designated mission, killing off the baddies as they came on.  I cannot say I've been to a haunt that had people 'helping' you get through quite like that.

I'll be honest here, when we saw the alien get released I thought it was just a prop.   When it got free and started chasing us it had this long-time haunter moving in quickstep.

This haunt has character and a sci-fi feel that I haven't seen elsewhere this season and it's really nice to have a change of pace instead of the 'same old, same old'.

Signage / Visibility / Location

Directa your feetza to Paulo's Pizza.  Right on the corner of W. Howard and 51st.

Wait Area / Line Entertainment

You can wait and have a slice of pizza (might be the only haunt with that option).  Once in the queue/stairs we were entertained by the disembodied voice of the security camera operator, who was pretty funny.

Actors' Performance

Unique in that there were actors helping throughout to go along with the monsters/aliens.  The service men helping we pretty well done and you could tell they were comfortable with their parts.  This did a great job of immersing us into the overall haunt.

Sets Scenes / Props / FX

There was a continuity to this haunt unlike any other.  They maintained the military base them throughout and all of the scenes, props and special effects supported the theme very well.


We were through the haunt in about 15 minutes.

Crowd Control

Employee's were present throughout and the crowds were kept small enough to be manageable.

Most Memorable Moment

There was a few times where the baddies were either shot or took a victim and the audience got a bit of the overflow, so to speak.  Didn't see it coming either time, great surprise!  Oh, and the alien about halfway through.


Monter Mayhem will take you in a different direction than your typical haunt and I for one like the change.  Something you can enjoy while you get a sci-fi scare.

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